"I’m not the average girl from your video
And I ain’t built like a supermodel
But I learned to love myself unconditionally,
Because I am a queen"
I was admiring me because on most days I do love myself unconditionally. As my mother always said, "If you don't vote for yourself, why would anyone else?" (On the day I came home in 5th grade and told her I hadn't voted for myself for class president.)
So, visualize this: I'm out there running and not caring in any way what I look like. (Which is good because I do not look good in any way when I run. See my wellness blog post about that here.
Here's a recent photo of me in my running getup. It's not today but let's just say today was even worse.
I'm enjoying the gorgeous day when a man pulls up beside me (from behind) on a bike. I live in a summer resort area and vacationers always stop people who look like locals to ask questions about the area. I'm happy to oblige. He looked a bit like the Monopoly guy but much taller. I like Monopoly.
He said, (these are direct quotes) "You look nice. Do you mind if I harass you for 1 minute?"
I figured he needed help or directions and he was right; I am a nice person, (sometimes) so I said, "Not at all. Take 2 minutes."
He said, "Are you here for the week on vacation?"
I said, "No, I live here."
This where I figured he'd start asking about where to find the liquor store. That is usually the first question, followed by "Where are the wild horses?".
But... NO!
He said, "Are you single?"
I was flabbergasted.
I don't get hit on/picked up often... or ever. And, I don't have a good history of picking/being picked up. At the end of a long first (and last) semester in law school in 1977, friends and I were at a bar celebrating our survival. I was married at the time but everyone else was single. My friend Fran was lamenting her total lack of a social life and admiring a hot guy at the bar. She wanted to hit on him but lacked confidence. I said, "No problem. I'll go get him for you." I had confidence because I wasn't actually the picker in this case. So, I approached the cute guy and said, "My friend over there would like to meet you. Are you interested?" He said, "Are you Debby? I think you used to babysit for me."
After that I never hit on anyone again, not for me, not for a friend. The last time anyone hit on me was in 1999. I was in a bar at a ski resort with my then 18-year-old daughter, Alexis. A guy came up and offered to buy us drinks. (We were drinking hot chocolate.) I don't think he cared which of us he picked up but I'm pretty sure I wasn't his first choice. He said something like, "What are you two sisters drinking?" After I stopped laughing, I explained that we were mother and daughter sharing a private moment.
And there you have it, my total history of hitting on.
Until today.
So, I said, in answer to his query about being single, "No, not even close. Happily married for 37 years. And, I'm almost 60 so I totally appreciate your attempt."
He simply jumped on his bike and rode away.
So, I ask you, what is this about? Was he really just looking for female company for the week he was on vacation? I "look nice"? What the hell was that? Keep in mind, he rode up from behind me and didn't even see my face! Does my ass make me "look nice"?
But, hell, I'm taking this for the compliment I'd like to think it is, rather than a horny stranger looking for a good time for the day with anyone female.
So I ask you, SOS sisters, when was the last time you hit on anyone or got hit on? How'd it go?
And, if you don't know the song, here's a musical interlude to inspire you to unconditional love of you!